Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yesterday me and my friend had discussed her getting a blog of her own. And after we picked up a friend we took the the phrase "I'll blog about that." But it was hard to distinct the word vlog and the word blog, since my friends are used to me saying vlog, and less used to me saying blog.

Now, it really doesn't help that I have a bit of an accent too, but walking down a dark path in the evening, when I said I would blog about something, even I have to stop my self and wonder "Did I just say blog or vlog?"

My good friend Christina came up with the idea of 'Bvloggin." It's both blogging and vlogging. So it covers both bases. I thought it sounded like something that could catch on, where as my friend just thought it sounded German.

Ich bin bvloggin!

Saying it outloud, it felt pretty natural. I have been vlog for a year now and I never got it mixed up with blog. Unfortunately now I am just so used to always saying vlog, its weird for my mouth to say blog. The accent doesn't help. Its just normal for me to push out harsher sounds.

Are there even many people who cross the blog and vlog line? I asked my youtube viewers to leave their blog links on my youtube page and I didn't get one link. I am sure there are some that have to deal with this, but there seems not to be many.

Who knows. Maybe bvloggin with catch on. I sure hope so, I feel silly every time I say blog, because I stop, think and repeat my self.

1 comment:

  1. My bad! http://digiwax.tumblr.com/
    There you go :) *secret handshake*
