Friday, August 20, 2010


The other day I made a blog post urging you to go vote for me, if you hadn't already, in a contest to win an underwater camera. And I won the underwater camera! I don't know when I am going to get it (people keep asking) but I am thankful I won. And I'd like to thank a few people who helped me by voting and sending around the link with a frantic "Can you comment unicycle?!"

Geoffry goes BOOM!

This is actually the 3rd door broken by Christina.
What a pretty ginger/Kaitlyn.
Lee does NOT chase Leprechauns!
Momma Brown made a youtube just to vote. :)
Nicole's hair is too pretty to doodle.
Hes postman Pat! ..And his name is Owen?
Pat is secretly Austin Powers.
Sam will kill your main character.
Timmy Boyle! Daring to dream!
I know there was a lot more people who helped me but there was too many to keep track. If you are personally offended that you didn't get one, I will doodle you a drawing and add you to this post.

Thank you so much everyone. Without your support this would have never been made possible


  1. That Timmy Boyle is one sophisticated dude.

  2. Haha. He sure does look like one sophisticated dude. And Lee, I feel like they are in your closet. I feel that way because I can feel them in your closet. -Shifty eyes- Don't go for your coats anytime soon. Unless you bring snacks.

  3. xD This was amazing. And if your wondering about my username, it was just an awesome childrens cartoon when I was growing up.

  4. Owen, I totally watched Post Man Pat. But you could have changed it to post man Owen. You better have a black and white cat.

  5. I'm talking to you about this post now.

    I'm glad to know I have a mojo, and a gun.

    ~ Pat
