Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stop being Correct.

The other day in dance class my teacher came up to me and said.

"My goal for you this year is for you dance more, and stop being so correct. If that makes any sense."

A statement like that is hard to work, and word, but it struck me as a life philosophy. Personally I am not sure how I can translate that into words and plot it against my life, but I feel as if for the next year, this too is going to be my goal.

For most of my life I have been in school. I'd come home, I'd have fun but I'd always feel like I had something to do. I was really stressed all the time looking at it now. I never did my course work, I had little interest in doing math or english at home. Why do something at home when I could do it to avoid people in class? This worked wonderfully until I made friends and I didn't get my work done in class either.

But now, I work. Every day. Not long every day, but I do work most of the time. I come home, I am excited to be home, but by 7:30 I realize I am looking to the clock to see if its 10:30. I have little to do now. I feel as if I should be doing something. I label my self as getting nothing done. But why must I get something done? Why must I be so correct, so perfect to always be doing something?

I state here, on my personal blog (sorry about making you seem not so personal in the past week or so), that instead of feeling correct, I will feel like I am living.

Because frankly, I am.

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